Posts Tagged "Guide"

Enough is Enough: When "Just Right" Beats Overkill in the Workplace

Dive deep into web performance metrics, including tools and techniques for measuring and optimizing loading times. Discuss the significance of metrics like First Contentful Paint, Time to Interactive, and more.

Getting Started with Docker: Setting Up a Full-Stack Application

We'll walk through setting up a project that uses Docker to manage a full-stack application. We'll use React for the frontend, Ruby on Rails for the backend, MySQL as the database, and Elasticsearch for our search capabilities.

How to Be a Better Reader (and Maybe Even a Better Person)

Becoming a Better Reader (and Person) -> 13 Ways to Elevate Your Reading Game.

Communication and Collaboration!! [Not Interruption]

Development is not just about writing code; it's also about working seamlessly with others to create outstanding user experiences.

Integrating Elasticsearch with Ruby on Rails

Diving into the world of Elasticsearch in your Rails app? It’s exciting but can be a little intimidating at first. Here are 10 things you should do to integrate Elasticsearch.

Success Hack -> Go the F*ck to Sleep

While some may still see lack of sleep as a badge of honor, it turns out that prioritizing rest might just be the real productivity hack we’ve all been searching for.